Home Legal Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule

This Fee Schedule applies from 1 June 2024.

The following fees and charges apply with respect to Australian Corporate Clients of OzForex Limited who migrated from Paytron on and from 1 June 2024 and new registrations from 6 June 2024 onwards. Excludes Online Sellers, those referred by an Alliance Partner, those that would like to purchase Forward Contracts; or those without a corporate email address.

All references to $ are referring to AUD. Please refer to our PDS and FSG for more information.

1. FX Conversion Services, Payment Services and Collection Services

DescriptionBusiness BasicBusiness PlusBusiness Configure
Authorised User [1]$0 (up to 3 users)$15 per user per month$15 per user per month
View only User (unlimited) [2]$0$0$0
FX Conversion
Margin* (Major Currencies only for payments made for June, July & August 2024) [3]0.45%0.45%0.45%
Margin* (Major Currencies only for payments made from September 2024 onward) [3]0.60%0.60%0.60%
Margin* (for payments involving non-Major Currencies)customised per Client and agreed in advancecustomised per Client and agreed in advancecustomised per Client and agreed in advance
Global Account Creation Fee$0$0$0
Global Account Receiving Funds domestic$0$0$0
Global Account Receiving Funds via Wire / SWIFT$5$5$5
Local Payment Fee (incl. BPAY)$0$0$0
SWIFT (SHA) Payment Fee**$10 per payment$10 per payment$10 per payment
Other Fees & Charges
Account Opening Fee$0$0$0
Monthly Account Fee$0$0$0
Domestic Transactions20 transactions included,
thereafter $1 / transaction
200 transactions included,
thereafter $1 / transaction
To be advised.
API Integration Set Up Feen/an/aTo be advised.

[1] Authorised User means a user that you appoint to request Services within your Business Account on your behalf

[2] View Only means the user cannot request Services and is limited to be able to view the Business Account only

[3] Major Currencies means USD, AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, HKD, SGD, NZD.

* The margin will be included in the exchange rate that we quote to you for a Currency Conversion. PLEASE NOTE the margin is subject to increase for Clients that have an ongoing need for Currency Conversions outside of the following currencies – USD, AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, HKD, SGD, NZD. The new customised margin will be based on the currency pairs traded by the Client. We will provide notice in advance of the change in margin and the new margin will apply to all future Currency Conversions regardless of the currency pair. Details of your Currency Conversions, including the agreed exchange rate, can be found in the Service Confirmations.

** SHA: Both the client (sender) and beneficiary will pay fees to the sending bank i.e. fees for the outgoing transfer. Beneficiary will receive the amount transferred less the intermediary banks’ fees.

2. OFX Cards

Employee Card
Employee Card virtual (include Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay)includedincludedincluded
Employee Card physical$10 one off fee$10 one off fee$10 one off fee
Subcription Card (unlimited) $0 per card$0 per card$0 per card
ExpensesNoFree, included with
Employee Cards
Free, included with
Employee Cards
Automatic FX Conversion [1] of a Cross-Border Transactions1.5%1.5%1.5%
Cross Border Transaction Fee$0$0$0

[1] Where you have insufficient funds in the charged local currency, we will complete an Automatic Conversion from your home base currency to the local currency. If you have sufficient funds in the local charged currency, you will not incur this charge.

3. Funding Global Account

DescriptionBusiness BasicBusiness PlusBusiness Configure
Standard Fee
Domestic Cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express Cards)1.4% VISA & MasterCard and 1.95% AMEX (per transaction)
International Cards 3.4% (per transaction)