Managing foreign exchange volatility during an election cycle

The US presidential election is more than just a political event—it’s a seismic force that reverberates through financial markets worldwide. For businesses or individuals with foreign exchange (FX) needs, understanding the impact of elections on currency exchange rates is critical. In this blog, we dive into how the US election could affect the forex market, how our FX experts (we call them OFXperts) have helped clients during past global elections, and how OFX’s risk management tools could help you during turbulent times.

Volatility: Exchange rate volatility refers to the tendency for foreign currency to appreciate or depreciate in value and ultimately affects the profitability of a transfer overseas.

Understanding election-driven volatility

Forex market volatility is driven by a variety of causes including economic indicators, interest rates, and many more. One of those factors is current geopolitical events, like the US presidential election.

In the past, elections have been correlated with forex market volatility. For instance, there was a large spike in the US dollar leading up to the 2016 election largely due to expectations of fiscal stimulus under President Donald Trump. The US Dollar Index (DXY) rose 7% in just 3 months leading up to the election. The DXY increased from 95.463 in August 2016 to 102.210 in November 2016.

While foreign exchange markets around election season aren’t always this volatile, market sentiment, changing policies, and uncertainty contribute to currency exchange rate fluctuations. Making FX transfers in a market plagued with uncertainty and volatility can be nerve wracking, luckily that’s where our OFXperts come in.

US Dollar Index (DXY): The US Dollar Index or DXY is a market index benchmark that measures the value of the US dollar relative to other widely-traded international currencies.

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Case Studies: Previous elections

Our OFXperts know that every situation is unique and it can be stressful for businesses and individuals to make forex transfers around election times, which can create more volatility in the markets. That’s why OFX has a variety of risk management tools that have helped our clients get the most out of their FX during past election periods.

Using OFX’s hedging tools to save

See how one Canadian-based produce buyer found hedging success with OFX’s Forward Contracts.

Manufacturer hedges against election-based volatility 

During the 2016 US presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the USD/CAD pair rose leading up to the election but quickly fell following Donald Trump’s presidential win. OFXpert, Tim, helped his manufacturing client anticipate this volatility and make the most of these election-based market moves.

“We’ve helped clients navigate the volatility from presidential elections by looking at what their needs are and planning for it. Back in 2016, I had a manufacturing client in Canada that was selling goods into the US and getting paid in US dollars. We did a Forward Contract* for USD/CAD right around the time of the US election at the US$1.35 range, by the time we actually got the money in mid-December, the USD/CAD pair had fallen to about US$1.31. My client ended up making about CA$4,000 more on the CA$100,000 Forward Contract.”

More factors that influence FX rates

Learn more about the top factors influencing your foreign exchange rates.

Food startup mitigates risk during Brexit vote

It is not only US presidential elections that can impact markets worldwide though. Referendums, political decisions, and newly elected parties can have impacts on international business globally. 

In 2016, the United Kingdom voted to secede from the European Union in the monumental Brexit vote. The general population expected the vote to result in the UK remaining part of the EU, markets were shocked when the vote showed the UK withdrawing from Europe. The aftermath of the UK leaving the EU after 43 years caused turmoil in foreign exchange and global stock markets. The GBP/USD pair dropped close to 15% in the weeks after the Brexit decision. UK-based OFXpert, Harry, helped one business book Limit Orders** before the Brexit vote to hedge against possible FX volatility.

“Just before the Brexit referendum I helped a food manufacturing startup business who had recently received a US$20 million funding round, to hedge against possible market volatility around the vote.” OFXpert, Harry, assisted his client by booking Limit Orders** lower than where the GBP/USD pair was at that time, so that his client could convert their funding from USD to GBP at their desired rate. “When the UK vote to leave the EU was announced, the sterling dropped significantly against the US dollar and this client ended up saving 3% on their US$20 million transfer. This saved them US$600,000 in the process.

Machinery Broker saves big with OFX’s Forward Contracts

Amid the 2020 US presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the EUR/USD currency pair appreciated by around 13.28% from May 2020 to December 2020. During this time, OFXpert Fred helped to lock in his client’s currency exchange rate with a Forward Contract*. 

“I had a client who brokered large Glass Machinery from Italy to the US. This meant that EUR/USD volatility was a big problem for him because he negotiated prices in USD with the buyer, and the supplier was paid in EUR. Going into the 2020 election year it was especially important for us to supply him with risk management tools to help protect his margin.” OFXpert Fred and his client booked a Forward Contract* for each of his invoices, adding up to €2 million. This helped Fred’s client lock in his profit by securing the pre-election exchange rate for the EUR/USD pair for his invoices, without worrying about the wide EUR/USD swings during the 2020 election year. Fred saved his client around 5 figures by locking in the exchange rate prior to the election.

Risk management tools

While forex volatility can feel unsettling, OFX has a variety of risk management tools to help clients plan ahead, protect their forex transfers, and gain peace of mind. Let’s dive deeper into some of the products mentioned above.

Forward Contracts* are a hedging tool that can help you or your business budget and plan ahead by locking-in your exchange rate for up to 12 months. This means you can fix all or even a portion of your known FX costs for the election year ahead.

Limit Orders** allow you to target an exchange rate that suits you or your business and, if it’s reached, OFX will help you get your money moving.

Currency Outlook keeps you in the loop and helps you gain valuable insights into the forex market with our monthly newsletter. Compiled by our treasury experts, this report inspects key currency shifts, global news, and political landscapes to forecast forex fluctuations.

24/7 OFXpert support so you are never alone in your forex transfers. Our OFXperts are located globally ensuring you have access to real, human support anytime, anywhere.

*If you book a Forward Contract, it may mean losing out if the market rate improves because you’re contracted to settle at the agreed rate. Read more.

**If you book a Limit Order, it may mean losing out if the market rate continues to move above your target rate. There is no guarantee that your desired rate will be reached. Once the order is triggered, the transfer is binding and cannot be cancelled.

OFXperts’ proven reliability

For over 25 years, clients have continued to choose OFX as their foreign exchange provider, not only because of our great rates, but also because of OFX’s focus on real human support

Our around the clock OFXpert support ensures reliability whenever you need it, regardless of your location or time zone. Whether you’re transferring funds for personal or business purposes, OFXperts guide you through the process with precision and professionalism. Plus, working with OFX means the peace of mind knowing that your transfer will be fast and secure.

“Everyone wants to work with suppliers who trust you. That was one of the biggest differences I saw when I began working with OFX. When people see a copy of a transfer that I sent and see that it’s through OFX they know it is a reputable company and they trust that it will come through,”  said Marina, OFX client and proprietor of Wine Alliance.

As the US election draws nearer and volatility is likely to continue to build, remember that your OFXpert is equipped with a variety of risk mitigation tools to help you or your business navigate rate swings, and they are just a call away

Let your OFXpert help you navigate FX election volatility

Make more informed decisions about your global money transfers. We’re here and ready to help, 24/7.

Vani, OFXpert

IMPORTANT: The contents of this blog do not constitute financial advice and are provided for general information purposes only without taking into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. OzForex Limited (trading as OFX) and its affiliated entities make no recommendation as to the merits of any financial strategy or product referred to in the blog. OFX makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the suitability, completeness, quality or exactness of the information and models provided in this blog.

Written by

Michala Lamichhane

Content Marketing Manager

Michala Lamichhane is OFX’s Content Marketing Manager for the North America region where she plans and writes content regularly. After studying English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Michala found a passion for content marketing and works with many OFXperts to produce content for a global corporate audience.