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International Currency

Know your options when choosing an FX provider

OFX team
28 May, 2019
Transferring money shouldn’t come with unnecessary fees, see why you should shop around.
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What are the key considerations for doing business overseas

OFX team
9 April, 2019
In the competitive global landscape for businesses today, these are the top things you should know about expanding abroad.
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Luxury menswear that truly measures up to sustainability

OFX team
1 February, 2019
Benjamin Siggers tackles the environmental cost of fashion with a sustainable and stylish alternative.
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How OFX became like one of the family at Zoratto Enterprises

1 February, 2019
Using our Forward Contract option lock in USD payments at a more favourable rate. Make your overseas payments as simple and seamless as possible.
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International Currency

Overseas inheritance process steps

1 February, 2019
Receiving an inheritance from overseas can be confusing, especially when you consider tax laws. Learn about the inheritance process for clarification.
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Studying Overseas

The 10 best places to study abroad in Europe

1 February, 2019
Ready to go overseas to get your degree? To pick the right destination, check out our Top 10 Best Places to Study Abroad in Europe.
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International Currency

The best way to transfer money between countries

1 February, 2019
Transfer Money Between Countries
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How to avoid foreign transaction fees

1 February, 2019
Whether you’re traveling to a foreign country or shopping online from an international merchant, here’s how to avoid high foreign transaction fees.
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International Currency

Introducing OFX to New Zealand

1 February, 2019
Introducing OFX, one of the world's leading global money transfer providers new website.
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Global Lifestyle

Tips for moving abroad for a year

1 February, 2019
If you’re planning on starting a new life in another country, even if it will just be temporary, use these handy tips for moving abroad for a year.
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