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What are live exchange rates?

1 February, 2019
Discover why, when it comes to converting and transferring money, using a live exchange rate instead of a daily quote is the way to save more.
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How one millennial started two successful businesses before 30

OFX team
1 February, 2019
Matt Gillespie sold his flourishing coffee shop to back a new venture.
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How MGH Equipment brings competitive prices to their customers and saves thousands

OFX team
1 February, 2019
OFX has helped small and medium businesses around the world bring reliable prices to their customers with their global currency expertise.
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How OFX became like one of the family at Zoratto Enterprises

1 February, 2019
Using our Forward Contract option lock in USD payments at a more favourable rate. Make your overseas payments as simple and seamless as possible.
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How to avoid foreign transaction fees

1 February, 2019
Whether you’re traveling to a foreign country or shopping online from an international merchant, here’s how to avoid high foreign transaction fees.
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UK SMEs U-turn their favoured export market

OFX team
1 February, 2019
In OFX’s annual SME confidence survey 45% of UK SMEs choose Western Europe as their favoured export market, a U-turn from last year when USA came out on top.
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How to invoice international clients

1 February, 2019
What’s the best way to invoice international clients? Here’s everything you need to know about invoicing in foreign currencies.
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How to pay an International Invoice

1 February, 2019
If you need to pay an international invoice online, use OFX to save big on exchange rate margins and fees.
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Luxury menswear that truly measures up to sustainability

OFX team
1 February, 2019
Benjamin Siggers tackles the environmental cost of fashion with a sustainable and stylish alternative.
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KoalaSafe’s Innovative technology drives healthier digital habits for kids

1 February, 2019
It's an "off button" for internet.
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Building a unique brand in a crowded market

OFX team
1 February, 2019
OFX’s CEO Skander Malcolm chats with FXCintel and provides insight into running the company in a highly regulated and competitive industry.
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French presidential election 2017

OFX team
1 November, 2018
How will the French presidential election affect your money transfers?
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